Por Ivan Saud


NOTA DEL LECTOR: Empiezo por decirle que cada semana leo La Nueva Nación y no me pierdo ni uno de sus escritos. Todos, sin excepción, son excelentes y se los distribuyo a mis amigos por e-mail. De más está decirle que lo admiro y respeto mucho. Le comento que hace un par de días, un conocido, no un amigo, me dijo que Trump era el Presidente que más división había causado en este país. En ese momento me contuve y no le contesté con un insulto. Pero me puse a pensar y creo que este conocido tiene mucha razón. Trump ha causado una división enorme entre la gente que “quiere” a este país y la gente que lo “odia". Por lo tanto, escribí algo al respecto, en inglés, que quería compartir con usted.  

This is common knowledge to anyone who is aware of what is happening in this country.  Trump has divided our people into two groups: Those who love this country and those who hate it!


Those who love this country want:

  • Protected borders like any other country in the world.


Those who hate this country accept:

  • Open borders that allow people from over 100 countries to enter into our country illegally. This year will be over 2 million people crossing our southern border illegally. Along with this, there is human trafficking, drugs like fentanyl provided by the drug cartels, people with Covid 19 and some foreign terrorists.


Those who love this country want:

  • Police protection for all citizens, especially the ones in poor neighborhoods.


Those who hate this country accept:

  • Defunding the police, thus having an increase in crime rate not experienced in decades.


Those who love this country want:

  • Energy independency and dominance.


Those who hate this country accept:

  • Begging our enemies for an increase in their oil production.

Those who love this country want:

  • Gas under $2.00 per gallon.


Those who hate this country accept:

  • Gas at over $4.00 per gallon.


Those who love this country want:

  • Inflation controlled at low levels, like it was three years ago.


Those who hate this country accept:

  • Inflation at the highest levels in decades. Remember Jimmy Carter?


Those who love this country want:

  • Respect the life of the unborn.


Those who hate this country accept:

  • Killing a child up until the moment of birth


Those who love this country want:

  • Equal justice for all.


Those who hate this country accept:

  • A different set of rules for conservatives and liberals.


Those who love this country want:

  • Our children educated in reading, math, history, geography, etc.


Those who hate this country accept:

  • Our children indoctrinated and groomed by sex perverts.


And I can go on and on, but I think the above is enough to make the point that Trump has been the most divisive President in our history.